My Rates


What is your production budget?

"Production Budget" refers to total/overall budget at the production's disposal for all phases of the project (not only funds allocated to principal photography), including studio/investor funds, fundraising/crowdsource/earned stretch funds, and savings/personal funds. The Union/Non-Union status of a production does not change or discount these rates.

  • Rate: $1300/day (no more than 8 hours without incurring 1.5x overtime) + travel expenses (transportation, $500 travel day, room, board and/or per diem listed below) + $50 kit fee. Can be billed at the halfday rate of $650 (no more than 4 hours).

  • Rate: $1204/day (no more than 8 hours without incurring 1.5x overtime) + travel expenses (transportation, $500 travel day, room, board and/or per diem listed below) + $50 kit fee. Can be billed at the halfday rate of $602 (no more than 4 hours).

  • Rate: $1204/day (no more than 8 hours without incurring 1.5x overtime) + travel expenses (transportation, $500 travel day, room, board and/or per diem listed below) + $50 kit fee. Can be billed at the halfday rate of $602 (no more than 4 hours).

  • Rate: $1204/day (no more than 8 hours without incurring 1.5x overtime) + travel expenses (transportation, room, board and/or per diem listed below) + $50 kit fee. Can be billed at the halfday rate of $602 (no more than 4 hours).

  • Rate: $800/day (no more than 12 hours) + transportation + $50 kit fee + ROFR. Can be billed at the halfday rate of $400 (no more than 6 hours; stackable).

  • Rate: $500/day (no more than 12 hours) + transportation + $50 kit fee + ROFR. Can be billed at the halfday rate of $250 (no more than 6 hours; stackable).

  • Rate: $400/day (no more than 12 hours) + gas reimbursement + $50 kit fee + ROFR. Can be billed at the halfday rate of $200 (no more than 6 hours; stackable).

  • Rate: Flat fee of $200 or pro bono.

    At this level, I will most likely be able to provide only consultation services.

    I have limited slots per year to assist with pro bono work. Please reach out; I may also be able to connect you with apprentice/aspiring Intimacy Professionals who could assist you on set, although I urge you to reconsider staging dangerous and/or intimate scenes at this budget level.

  • Rate: $400/day (no more than 12 hours) + transportation + $50 kit fee + ROFR. Can be billed at the halfday rate of $200 (no more than 6 hours; stackable).

 A few notes about my sliding scale fee… 

  • In offering a sliding-scale set of rates, I hope to make Intimacy Coordination accessible to more productions, not devalue the work of other Intimacy Professionals who are charging higher rates.

  • I charge the same hourly rate for all pre-production and production work. Pre-production work includes production meetings and rehearsal sessions. Per each project, please expect to budget for 2-3 hours of additional pre-production work: script breakdown, dramaturgy, research, and choreography design. Production work includes any time I am on set. Pre-production work may be spread over multiple days and combined at billing to create one Frankenstein half-day or day (IE; these hours are “stackable”), while Production work may not.

  • I am open to compensated travel anywhere in the world and hold a current, valid US passport.

  • Transportation may refer to gas reimbursement, driving fees, or flights + transportation to/from the airport to base camp/location.

    • Gas reimbursement: may apply to the Ultra Micro ($1k-$5k budget) tier ONLY. Applies for any set/location which is 30 or more miles away from Central Austin (measured from the capital building).

    • Driving fees: may apply to every tier except No Budget and Ultra Micro. Applies for any set/location which is 30 or more miles away from Central Austin (measured from the Texas Capitol building). I use the standard IRS mileage rate of 67 cents per mile driven in my personal vehicle for business use.

    • Flights + transportation to/from the airport to base camp/location: may apply to every tier. Applies for any set/location which is 200 or more miles away from Central Austin (measured from the Texas Capitol building). If flying by coach class, I shall be reimbursed by Producer for baggage fees and costs of in-flight meals provided I submit receipts and request for reimbursement within 30 days after the flight.

  • On overnight locations, in addition to lodging, the Producer will provide a per diem meal allowance to be paid prior to the day or week of work. The minimum per diem amounts are as follows and only applicable if meals are not provided by the Producer. Note: Regardless of the time of call the first major meal served may only be deducted at the lunch rate.

    • Breakfast: $12

    • Lunch: $18

    • Dinner: $33

 A few notes about my sliding scale fee… 

  • Minimum project fees can be expected to correlate to one week’s worth of rehearsals/in-rehearsal meetings. This means that most projects are accomplished within 2-5 rehearsals of no more than 8 hours each.

  • Travel fees apply for any theatre which is 60 or more miles away from my choreography studio in Central Austin. (Address of studio will be provided after inquiry). If driving travel fees apply, I use the standard IRS mileage rate of 65.5 cents per mile driven in my personal vehicle for business use. If flying travel fees apply, please also budget for transportation to and from the airport to the theatre/rehearsal space.

  • In offering a sliding-scale set of rates, I hope to make Intimacy Choreography accessible to more productions, not devalue the work of other Intimacy Professionals who are charging higher rates.