Frequently Asked Questions

  • Intimacy Professionals are useful, needed, and by some studios/unions, required, for much more than just traditional 'sex scenes.' We can help support your process for the following types of depicted intimacy:

    Staged/simulated outercourse: kissing (on the lips or any destination on the body), groping/grinding, wrestling, tickling, spooning/cuddling, stripping/clothing removal, partner dancing, sensual dancing, lap dancing, masturbation, seduction (dialogue or touch), massage, kink, and more.

    Staged/simulated intercourse: oral sex/contact on internal and/or external genitalia, penetration of the mouth, anus, or internal genitalia by an external genitalia, hand/finger, or an object/prop/toy, and more.

    Staged/simulated hyper-exposed non-sexual scenes: bathing/showering/swim, dressing/undressing, touching or dialogue that is charged/loaded (such as violence/intimidation/non-consensual actions), nudity or touch in medical contexts, medical/body trauma, childbirth, toileting, menstruation, bondage, restraint, and more.

  • Most intimate scenes require a 2-5 hour choreography rehearsal per scene, which I typically host at my home studio prior to anyone’s arrival on-set (unless another location is more convenient).

    I use this time to build trust and communication with the actors, introduce the boundary exercise and "button" safeword system which they can utilize on set, and meet with each actor one-on-one to discuss expectations, boundaries, and comfortability with the proposed scene’s content. I also teach/facilitate intimacy deepening or “chemistry building” exercises and closure/de-roling exercises. Finally, I block the choreography and run the full scene through with the actors several times. Please note that a choreography rehearsal at my home-studio will never include nudity or real kissing (instead, we ‘mark it out’).

    In the interest of this rehearsal, I ask directors and DPs to provide Shot Lists or Storyboards which can be shared with me and the actors at least 72 hours in advance of each proposed rehearsal date. Depending on the project, I may also provide a contract called a nudity rider which delineates the ceiling (not the floor) of any actions that may take place on set, any images which may be captured, and the ways in which these images may be used. If the production calls for a nudity rider, this must be signed by all parties at least 72 hours in advance of each proposed shoot date. This way we can ensure that no one is taken by surprise when they show up to set and that the blocking is as close to the filmmakers’ vision as possible.

  • During shooting I will be there to implement closed-set protocols, run clothed and/or nude rehearsals, relay directors' notes to the actors in a simple and comfortable way, listen for and respond to "button” (a safeword system), assist with fitting, adjusting, and placing modesty garments and barriers, have robes and hygiene items on-the-ready, ensure all action is in line with what was pre-discussed and pre-rehearsed, administer mental health first aid as needed, and basically mama-hen the actors!

    Depending on each Director and DP’s preference, I am also a dedicated eye on the monitor to provide expertise on intimate performance (for example, ensuring that the breath/sound or movement of the take are authentic to the story) or on camera angle/masking as we work together to sell the shot.

    I have received truly heartwarming feedback from actors about how my presence has allowed them to relax and become absorbed into giving their best performance. I've also received great feedback from directors/DPs about the relief/artistic focus that comes from delegating these responsibilities.

  • Click here to view my sliding scale fee breakdown for film/TV or theatre. Click here for workshop/teaching/speaking fees. For more rates, such as script or project consultation and commercial work, please reach out via my booking inquiry form.

  • My rate is hourly for rehearsals and daily for days on-set. This rate structure can help encourage filmmakers to hire an intimacy coordinator even if their project only has brief moments of intimacy or a single intimate scene.

  • I would love to teach, speak, or facilitate a workshop for your audience! Please submit a booking form on my workshops page so that you can share your goals with me and we can craft an amazing event.