Three Headed Beast

Feature Directed by Fernando Andrés, Tyler Rugh

Official selection: Tribeca 2022, Outfest 2022, Frameline 2022, OakCliff 2022, AGLIFF 2022

In the quiet of a hot Texas day, Peter (Jacob Schatz) goes to bed with his lover. Across town, Nina (Dani Hurtado) wakes up with hers. Without a word, each couple bids a fond, lingering farewell, and Peter and Nina return to their cozy shared home. Though they are on the verge of closing their open relationship, something, and someone, is missing.

Co-directors Fernando Andrés and Tyler Rugh’s visually lyrical, intimate, and sometimes cheeky drama Three Headed Beast puts the widening chasms in our interpersonal communication on full view. This boldly experimental debut feature highlights what and whom we take for granted, even in relationships that intentionally step off the escalator to monogamy, marriage, and a normative life. —Shayna Maci Warner

“Alicia is pioneering the screen intimacy world in Texas indie film. Our film wouldn’t have been possible without her and her hard work on our 22 (!) intimate scenes.”

Fernando Andrés, Director

“Without Alicia’s patience, attention to detail, and genuine care for our cast in rehearsal and on set, this film would not be the same. I will recommend Alicia for every future project I work on that involves physical intimacy in any capacity. She is truly the best!!”

Cody Shook, Actor


Pretty Boy

